Friday, December 28, 2007

Why Gamerony?


To those few people who are actually reading my blog, welcome. I'm not sure how I should start this out so I guess I'll talk about why I named my blog Gamerony. I wanted the name to express that this blog was going to be talking about video games and the video game industry which is where the game part came from (duh). The rony part is irony without the i. So I guess the name means game irony, pronounced game-runnie. Not really sure if anything I write about video games is going to be ironic but I liked the name so...

Now I'll explain what I'm going to be writing about in this blog and why. The best way to do this is to just list out some topics I've been mulling over:
  • Current trends in the game industry
  • Thoughts relevant to the game industry
  • Video Games - opinions, observations, thoughts
  • Thoughts on game design
  • Notes to myself about different game industry related websites
  • Thoughts\opinions on things I've learned in my video game classes
  • Video game concepts and ideas
I'm writing this blog to have some written form of my thoughts. My hope is that by writing out my thoughts I'll better be able to process them and come to some kind of higher conclusions. And of course I like to think that I am a god among men and that someone else actually cares what I think. I think that's all I have to write at this point...


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